hospital incinerator manufacturers

The Incinerator Plant is output wastes incineration from Different petrochemical units. In this project we want to incinerate all output wastes from petrochemical units and also produced high pressure steam from incinerator plant heat generated.
At first output waste from petrochemical collects and transfers to transit and sorting center in various forms. Input feeds of incinerator plant are shown in below table:

hospital incinerator manufacturers, Waste streams of petrochemical unit collect and store in Transit and Sorting Center.
In Transit and Sorting Center one laboratory must be considered.
In this center, waste will be classified in two groups:
–    Unsuitable for burning
–    Suitable for burning
Unsuitable waste for burning can be divided into the 4 categories:
–    Buried materials
–    Materials (wastes) that need to be stabilized before buried
–    Materials (wastes) that can be sold.
–    Wastes that can be returned to petrochemical.
Suitable wastes are classified into the two categories:
–    Input wastes to rotary kiln, consist of solids and waste fluids.
–    Input wastes to static kiln, consist of clean fluids and gasses.
All solid wastes must be transferred to storage pit from Transit and Sorting Center. Solid wastes storage pit is input of rotary kiln.
All fluid wastes must be stored and stabilized in Transit and Sorting Center. All storage and stabilization devices or facility must be considered. Storage and stabilization devices (facility) consist of:
Tanks, Pumps (Transfer, Loading & Unloading), Agitator (Mixer), Blanketing System, Flare system, Instrumentation and Control Systems, etc
Storage and stabilization capacity must be considered based on worst case (shut down).
Generally incinerator plant consists of two similar trains (capacity of each train is 100%). Each train consists of a rotary kiln and a static kiln.