We strive for a sustainable development therefore we are adopting a sustainable medical waste management system, which includes building a modern sustainable incinerator that will not only cater for our facility but also for the other facilities in the larger area of the region. We are aware that we need a modern incinerator that will not burden the local people or the local environment even more. There are several different types of incinerators available (especially recommended to be built with local materials), which are cheap to build but are more harmful to people and environment.slaughterhouse in Afghanistan in ministry of agriculture. Each plant has capacity of 100 cattle and 500 sheep per day.burn dead chicken of weight 50 kg.4.Waste type : health care risk waste and general waste
5. Chimney stack:
Chimney : 3.5mm mild steel
Height from base :11m and if there are buildings within
30m of the incinerator, chimney must extend at least 3m
above the apexes of all the roof of such buildings
Diameter of chimney at top :430mm
Weight of stack: ±500 Kg
Case and stack be painted with 400⁰C heat resistant Black paint
1st chamber 850⁰C – 900⁰C
2nd chamber 1000⁰C
7.Variable speed combustion air blowers
8.Primary chamber volume ±1.05 cubic metres
9.Mixing chamber volume ±0.30 cubic metres
10.Settling chamber volume ±0.89 cubic metres
11.Weight excluding chimney ±6.400Kg at manufacture
12..Firing tools supplied :Hoe ,poker and rake
Length ±2125mm
Width ±1890mm
Height ±2125mm
Extra width for burners ± 1000mm
14.Loading door opening 610 *540mm
15.Hearth area ±1.19square metres
16.Description of grate/hearth :A full hearth to be supplied to prevent contaminated
17.Liquids from flowing into ash pit without being incinerated
18.Compliance with South African Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act No.45 of
1965 or equivalent air pollution standards
19.Documents to be supplied :Operations and maintenance manual and standard
operating procedures (SOPs)
20. Emission controls:
heated refractory screen
Low velocity grit settling chamber
Stainless steel arrester screen
21.Refractory material :alumina content> 49% and thickness average 102mm
22.Bake out : to be done over 2-3 days
23.Materials of constructions
Case :5mm mild steel
Bracing: heavy angle and channel
Hearth: 1550 ⁰C
Ashing door: high grade cast iron
Loading door 5mm mild steel lined with 1550 ⁰C castable general purpose high strength, high abrasion resistant monolithic refractory concrete.
Incinerator walls and roof: 1550 ⁰C castable monolithic refractory